The features of Kubecost

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Kubecost is a platform that helps optimize Kubernetes costs and save money. It provides precise insights into your cluster costs and helps you to understand what matters for your Kubernetes cloud bill.

In this article, we will be exploring the features of Kubecost that help you control your Kubernetes cloud costs.

How does Kubecost help with Kubernetes costs?

Kubecost is a cloud-based solution that helps companies reduce and manage their Kubernetes costs. It delivers powerful insights on where businesses are overspending and allows enterprises to track, monitor, forecast, and optimize spending across the entire environment.

Kubecost combines detailed infrastructure usage data with advanced predictive modeling capabilities to deliver astonishingly accurate cost data in real-time. This makes it easier for businesses to evaluate and act on potential savings opportunities within their Kubernetes clusters.

With Kubecost’s built in cost analytics dashboard, teams can quickly identify which applications consume the most resources over time. This breakdown can be viewed down to the pod, namespace or cluster level – allowing users to understand what specific resources are being used and how to optimize them accordingly.

Additionally, Kubecost’s forecasting capabilities enable businesses to anticipate future related expenses by understanding how resource usage trends evolve. With this information at-hand, teams can better manage their budgets & reduce waste by taking steps such as optimizing or eliminating certain resource nodes.

Overall, Kubecost is an invaluable tool for organizations looking to maximize efficiency and significantly reduce costs associated with their Kubernetes environment.

Main Features

Kubecost is a cloud-native cost optimization platform that helps you manage the costs of your Kubernetes environment. It offers various features to help you control and visualize your Kubernetes costs. From identifying areas of cost inefficiency to forecasting cluster costs, Kubecost provides visibility and actionable insights for Kubernetes optimization.

Let’s take a look at some of the main features of Kubecost.

Cost Analysis

Kubecost’s Cost Analysis offering provides accurate cost data at regular, granular intervals and can be used to understand how those costs vary over time. In addition, the user can take advantage of trends or usage patterns contributing to cost growth by accessing the cost detail in-context of the deployed resources.

Users may also benchmark their cloud costs against peers using Kubecost Cost Analysis. By aggregating Kubecost’s compatible clusters across multiple organizations, we offer an industry-grade benchmark basis for metrics such as resource efficiency, cluster health & stability, node spend vs total cost or other varying workload environments.

Cost Analysis further allows users to set performance & team productivity targets based on usage data. It offers a detailed breakdown of the actual versus estimated resource costs. It helps teams identify which parts of their system ideally cost more than expected and where avoidable changes should be made for improved efficiency.

Cost Optimization

Kubecost provides cost optimization insights for cloud workloads. It operates as an independent service and combines the best of the both worlds: local cost optimization practices and cloud-native capabilities. With Kubecost, companies can confidently optimize their cloud costs through machine learning models, predictive analytics and actionable insights.

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Kubecost’s Cost Optimization feature enables users to quickly identify wasteful spending on resources such as compute instances, storage volumes, bandwidth, memory consumption, etc. Customers can also track resource utilization trends to make informed decisions about investing in more or less capacity going forward. Furthermore, Kubecost automatically allocates credits saved through its recommendations based on team usage of the cluster to ensure everyone who contributed is rewarded for their efforts.

This feature helps improve efficiency by ensuring that resources are used optimally. In contrast, costs associated with those resources are controlled, making it easier to manage the budgeting process and help grow business profitability in the long run.

Cost Visualization

Kubecost is a cloud cost management tool that enables you to continuously monitor and optimize your Kubernetes deployments. Kubecost provides an integrated cost visualization engine that allows teams to easily segment cloud costs by Kubernetes services and resources and view and understand specific cost drivers in real-time. In addition, with Kubecost, users can get an early warning system for new or existing cost spikes in their Kubernetes clusters and investigate underlying root causes or abnormal spending patterns.

The cost visualization capabilities within Kubecost contain a powerful set of features, allowing users to:

  • Visualize total monthly costs alongside any number of segmentations (namespace, label selectors, etc)
  • Analyze and compare projected vs actual usage & costs
  • Drill down into the most granular level of detail over time — per pod, namespace, label selector or any other set filters you define
  • Set alerts for abnormal activity or spending patterns on clusters
  • Allocate usage & spending among teams with easy exportable reports
  • Benchmark month over month trends and compare daily activity with expected norms

Using these features, teams can quickly identify excessive resource utilization across their Kubernetes cluster and take corrective measures using Kubecost Auto Scaling reports. In addition, users can optimize their cluster deployment strategies to achieve greater efficiency by getting visibility into consumptions & pricing in partnership with advanced analytics.

Cost Forecasting

Cost forecasting is critical to Kubecost’s budgeting and cost optimization capabilities. It enables you to deeply understand your past and potential future costs, bridging the gap between your spending and where you’d like going forward.

Kubecost offers two cloud cost forecasting types: historical and predictive. Historical forecasting allows users to view historical trends over time, such as spending by service, resource type, or environment. Predictive forecasting offers additional visibility into future cost trends that leverage machine learning algorithms to model various scenarios. This approach enables users to perform ‘what-if’ analyzes specific to their needs with confidence that their decisions are well informed.

Both forecasts are presented visually in Kubecost’s intuitive user interface with comprehensive details accessible at a granular level. This facilitates easy identification of opportunity areas, discrepancies between insights and reality, patterns across resource groups, etc., allowing users to better understand current costs and potential actions for improved performance in the future.


Kubecost is an important tool for Kubernetes users that helps minimize costs related to running Kubernetes clusters. From tracking utilization to visualizing and understanding costs, Kubecost can help you manage, monitor and optimize Kubernetes costs.

In this article, we look at the benefits Kubecost offers and explore how it can help you reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Cost Savings

Kubecost is a Kubernetes cost optimization service specifically designed to help you identify and get the most out of your cloud resources. The Kubecost platform offers several unique features that can help you reduce your IT infrastructure costs and increase your team’s productivity.

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Kubecost provides automated recommendations for resource allocations, anomalies, and other best practices that can reduce costs. For example, it enables users to set spending limits per Kubernetes workload or application to stay within their budget. Additionally, it suggests alternative resources, such as preemptible nodes or spot instances, which can drastically reduce your operating costs while providing strong performance.

Resource Optimization

Kubecost not only alerts you of excessive usage but also assists in the manual optimization. For example, users can visualize recommended node sizes; simulate changes before implementation; analyze existing applications; define thresholds for auto scaling rules; and track resource utilization over time. With these insights, it’s easier for admins and DevOps teams to make fast and accurate upgrade/downgrade decisions that balance cost savings with performance expectations.

Improved Efficiency

Kubecost helps businesses maximize their cost efficiency by deriving the most value from their Kubernetes clusters while finding and fixing errors faster.

By analyzing clusters in real-time, Kubecost provides insights into resource usage across deployments, pods, and nodes to pinpoint areas of inefficiency or cost savings opportunities.

The virtual machine and instance idle time report provides a visualization of how long instances have been running but not used which is useful for discovering low utilization nodes to reduce noisy neighbor problems caused when fault tolerance settings are unintentionally optimized.

The daily or weekly spend report helps to track historical spending patterns and spikes that may indicate misconfigured billing settings. Combined with forecasting (budgeting) and automated alert feature, Kubecost Helps CIOs save more money on the cloud!

Increased Visibility

Kubecost makes cloud cost visibility and optimization accessible with a depth of automation and insights previously impossible. As a result, Kubecost improves optimizations outcomes while eliminating overspending risks. Its primary benefit is its increased visibility, helping engineers gain immediate insights into their cost infrastructure across cloud providers.

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Kubecost works with all organizations using Kubernetes in production to ensure they aren’t wasting their money on unnecessary expenses. It can provide team-level visibility into usage information, automated alerts, resource analysis, usage trends and recommendations for cost savings. It also helps identify areas in the application stack that consume more resources than necessary to get the job done or stop unutilized resources from running unnecessarily — leading to potential consolidation opportunities for workloads and environments.

By providing deep understanding of total infrastructure costs with deep knowledge of Kubernetes applications usage patterns and utilization rate, Kubecost enables organizations to take control of their costs precisely by targeting each area for savings.


Kubecost provides powerful tools to help you manage and optimize your Kubernetes cost. It helps identify wasted resources, cost-effective alternatives, and provides predictive cost modeling. This can significantly reduce your Kubernetes costs and allow for greater budget flexibility.